The TAO of Oneness

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Be Truth, know Truth, live Truly

 “As being is to becoming, so is truth to belief.” -Socrates

All are ONE and the ONE is All...United. This is inescapable since everything and everyone is a part of the very fabric of the Universe. As we assist others, we are by law assisting ourselves, and the same goes for us causing harm...physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Yet, it is just as important to love and to care for ourselves, to heal and thrive, so that we serve from a cup overflowing. Love is the ultimate healer and unifier, yet out of necessity, firm at times. It stands tall like a rose in Truth and will not falter or release it’s thorns to appease the fears, blaming and doubts of the Ego and it’s perceptions. We have walked many timelines throughout the history of the Cosmos, and some were more painful than others. Yet personally, the lesson and message has always come back to love. My ego rebels at times and it’s far from easy some days. Overall, I’m more of who I AM today because of my tenacity to keep moving forward and self correct as needed. And support was and still is necessary, even when I believed I didn’t need it...Don’t give up and release feeling ashamed or fearful to ask for help! Today, I take the time to bow as I send my love and appreciation to All! You are powerful, you are worthy, you are loved, you are blessed and a blessing! Whether we believe it or not, we are all here to assist one another to ascend back into our Truth! Instead of misunderstanding, cursing and hanging others on the proverbial cross, let’s seek within ourselves, healing all perceived flaws and pain, until we have cultivated and attained the Ultimate Truth, which is the pure unconditional love of the Christ Self...the I AM Presence. Then, and only then, may we remember ourselves as One with the most powerful force of the universe, and expand this eternal fountain of Love out universally, seeing all as One... It begins with us!

Hugs and love,
Mary 💜
Together we are All making a difference!